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Acrophobia, The Fear of Falling, Failure, and the Abyss

Acrophobia: Fear of Heights Biblical psychology Major schools of thought Phobia Psychoanalytical

Acrophobia, The Fear of Falling, Failure, and the Abyss

Acrophobia, the fear of heights or falling, is a psychological phenomenon rooted in both deep-seated fears and the human imagination’s capacity for symbolism. This phobia can manifest in various ways, including dreams of falling, and is often intertwined with broader anxieties about failure, inadequacy, and spiritual concerns, or even dreams from God.

The Psychological Underpinnings of Acrophobia

Acrophobia frequently traces its origins to spiritual psychology. The fear of heights likely developed as a soul response to unresolved guilt, burdened conscience and not having peace with God. The natural mind is guilty. The natural mind is fallen. The natural mind is unforgiven, and therefore troubled during the day, but mainly at night. When all the all-surrounding kakofonia of the outside environment and city life is quieted at night, the psychic noise is notable even more and troubles our souls. We feel the judgment and condemnation for our sins and dreams of falling start to take place. Scores of studied cases have proven, that many patients who used to be troubled by demons and bad dreams at night are free from it after they experienced spiritual renewal, a peace with God, which they call a spiritual birth.

From a psychological perspective, the fear of falling represents a loss of control, vulnerability, and the potential for catastrophic consequences. These elements can trigger feelings of anxiety, which can be debilitating in severe cases. Moreover, the fear of falling often parallels a fear of failure, as it symbolizes an inability to maintain control over one’s circumstances, or as a final judgment for their life.

Dreams of Falling: A Common Symbolism

Dreams of falling are among the most frequently reported dream motifs. This ubiquity can be attributed to the fundamental nature of the human experience. Falling dreams often serve as a metaphor for broader life anxieties, including the fear of failure and the unknown.

In these dreams, the sensation of falling can symbolize the feeling of losing control over one’s life or facing situations that are spiraling out of control. The fear of falling in dreams is often related to existential concerns about failure, inadequacy, and the fear of not measuring up to personal or societal expectations.

Connecting Fear of Falling to Spiritual and Existential Fears

The fear of falling and its connection to spiritual concerns can be traced to a deep-seated human desire for meaning, purpose, and a sense of transcendence. Falling, whether from a great height or into an abyss, can symbolize a descent into spiritual or existential turmoil. It may represent the fear of falling short of the glory of God or not reaching the desired spiritual pedestal.

Throughout history, this fear of falling into spiritual oblivion or hell has been a common theme in religious and philosophical discourse. It reflects humanity’s profound concern about morality, the afterlife, and the consequences of one’s actions on a cosmic scale.

Famous Figures and Acrophobia

Several well-known individuals have grappled with acrophobia. One notable example is King Louis XVI of France, who was said to have suffered from a fear of heights. His acrophobia reportedly influenced decisions regarding the construction of the Eiffel Tower, which was initially intended to be a temporary structure for the 1889 World’s Fair.

How to Stop Falling

Acrophobia, the fear of heights and falling, is a complex psychological phenomenon rooted in spiritual psychology and human imagination. Its prevalence as a dream motif underscores its symbolic resonance with broader anxieties about control, failure, and spiritual concerns. By understanding the psychological underpinnings of this fear, we gain insight into its impact on individuals and its connections to deep-seated human anxieties about existence, morality, and the unknown. The cure is to make peace with God through a sacrifice that He himself has provided for us – which is The Lamb of God.