- social anxiety disorder, antisocial, anti-social, asocial

Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder): The Fear That Blinds. The Unsatisfied Need For Acceptance

Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder): The Fear That Blinds. The Unsatisfied Need For Acceptance Defining Social Phobia Social Phobia, clinically referred to as Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), is a chronic mental health condition characterized by an intense, persistent fear of social interactions and situations that involve potential scrutiny or judgment by others. According to the … Read more

Continue Reading - thanatophobia, fear of death

Thanatophobia: Understanding the Fear of Death

Thanatophobia: Understanding the Fear of Death Defining Thanatophobia Thanatophobia, derived from the Greek words thanatos (death) and phobos (fear), refers to an intense, irrational dread of death or the process of dying. While death anxiety is a universal phenomenon, in some individuals, this fear escalates into a persistent and debilitating phobia. Thanatophobia is classified under … Read more

Continue Reading - number 13, superstition, friday the 13th, death

Triskaidekaphobia: The Fear of the Number 13

Triskaidekaphobia: The Fear of the Number 13 What is Triskaidekaphobia? Triskaidekaphobia is an irrational fear of the number 13. This superstition is widespread in Western cultures, leading to the avoidance of the number in buildings (such as skipping the 13th floor in hotels), airlines, and even sports teams. Origin and History of Triskaidekaphobia The fear … Read more

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Nyctophobia: A Fear Rooted in Darkness

Nyctophobia: A Fear Rooted in Darkness What is Nyctophobia? Nyctophobia, also known as scotophobia or the fear of the dark, is an anxiety disorder characterized by an intense and irrational fear of darkness. Individuals suffering from this condition experience overwhelming dread when faced with dark environments, which may hinder their daily activities and well-being. It’s … Read more

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birds, angels, demons

Ornithophobia, the fear of birds, screech-owl, night birds, liver, and prophecies from the flight of the fowl of the air

Ornithophobia, the fear of birds, screech-owl, night birds, liver, and prophecies from the flight of the fowl of the air Ornithophobia, the fear of birds, is a specific phobia that involves intense anxiety and distress at the sight or thought of birds. While it’s a relatively modern term, its roots and associations go back centuries. … Read more

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Katsaridaphobia and What is The Fear of Cockroaches

Katsaridaphobia: Understanding the Fear of Cockroaches Phobias are irrational fears that can significantly disrupt a person’s daily life, and one of the more common and peculiar examples is katsaridaphobia: the fear of cockroaches. While some people may find these creatures simply unpleasant, for those with katsaridaphobia, the sight or even the thought of a cockroach … Read more

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