- thanatophobia, fear of death

Thanatophobia: Understanding the Fear of Death

Thanatophobia: Understanding the Fear of Death Defining Thanatophobia Thanatophobia, derived from the Greek words thanatos (death) and phobos (fear), refers to an intense, irrational dread of death or the process of dying. While death anxiety is a universal phenomenon, in some individuals, this fear escalates into a persistent and debilitating phobia. Thanatophobia is classified under … Read more

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Sublimation: Displacing Pain and Finding Expression through Unconscious Channels And Sex

Sublimation: Displacing Pain and Finding Expression through Unconscious Channels And Sex Sublimation, as a concept in psychology, is one of the defense mechanisms proposed by Sigmund Freud. It refers to the process by which individuals channel emotional energy, often from unresolved or repressed desires, into socially acceptable or productive outlets. In particular, when someone faces … Read more

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Nyctophobia: A Fear Rooted in Darkness

Nyctophobia: A Fear Rooted in Darkness What is Nyctophobia? Nyctophobia, also known as scotophobia or the fear of the dark, is an anxiety disorder characterized by an intense and irrational fear of darkness. Individuals suffering from this condition experience overwhelming dread when faced with dark environments, which may hinder their daily activities and well-being. It’s … Read more

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Self-awareness: The Primary Jungian Archetypes

Self-awareness: The Primary Jungian Archetypes In Carl Jung’s Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (1959), he elaborates on a set of primary archetypes that emerge from the collective unconscious—a shared reservoir of experiences and symbols inherited by all humans. These archetypes are recurring patterns of thought, behavior, and symbolism that manifest in myths, dreams, art, and … Read more

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Narcissism: A Mirror That Consumes the Soul

Narcissism: A Mirror That Consumes the Soul The myth of Narcissus, as told in Greek literature, remains one of the most enduring cautionary tales about self-obsession. First recounted in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, the story tells of a beautiful youth who falls in love with his reflection in a pool of water. Consumed by this image, he … Read more

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Psychoanalysis, are infant memories and childhood experiences shaping our psyche?

Psychoanalysis is a psychological theory and therapeutic approach that emphasizes the importance of unconscious processes in shaping human behavior. It explores how thoughts, feelings, and past experiences—especially from early childhood—affect a person’s behavior and mental health. Psychoanalysis seeks to bring unconscious conflicts to the surface, allowing individuals to gain insight and resolve their inner struggles. … Read more

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Unveiling Sigmund Freud’s Curious Belief in Ghosts: A Peek into the Mind of the Father of Psychoanalysis

Unveiling Sigmund Freud’s Curious Belief in Ghosts: A Peek into the Mind of the Father of Psychoanalysis Vienna, the birthplace of countless pioneering thinkers Vienna, often hailed as the city of classical music, art, and intellectual inquiry, has been the birthplace of countless pioneering thinkers. Among them, Sigmund Freud, the iconic founder of psychoanalysis, stands … Read more

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